Over 65 parents, educators and therapists attended this outstanding workshop. Interest was so keen Hannah’s House sponsored a 6 week Mindfulness Workshop with Sheryl Kurland-Platt, Deborah Feldman, and Lindsay Vandal.
From Dr. Chin: Daniel Siegel, MD proposed a fourth ‘R’, reflection, be added to the three traditional ones of education (reading, ‘riting, ‘rithmetic). From this has come the growing movement of ‘contemplative education.’ Broadly speaking this involves the practice of mindfulness activities at home and at school. Research is shows that mindfulness enhances both parent-child and teachers-child relationships. Today I will explain the neuropsychology of mindfulness and its benefits. We will practice mindfulness activities that I have taught children of all ages in regular and alternative classrooms. Attendees should wear loose clothing if they choose to actively participate. No activities will be strenuous.
VIDEO: Dr. Chin at Fayston School
Hannah’s House presents Dr. Raymond Chin PhD, MFA presenting his Mindfulness Workshop at the Fayston School on January 7, 2013