Hannah Bedford
Hannah’s Story
Hannah Victoria Bedford was born on November 8, 1978, the third child of Cindy and Corny Bedford.
She was raised in Waitsfield, Vermont, part of the Mad River Valley community and the Sugarbush and Mad River Glen resorts. Hannah attended public schools, excelled in academics, writing, music and art, and was a gifted athlete, competing in soccer, skiing, and equestrian events. She earned her B.A. degree from Johnson State College and became a Reiki master and Kripalu Massage Therapist.
A wilderness lover who hiked the mountains year-round, a runner and swimmer, a blithe spirit, a soul searcher and truth seeker, Hannah touched many lives in the Mad River Valley community and beyond. During the course of her life, she met her many challenges with a strong spirit and courage. Beginning in high school until she died, Hannah was diagnosed variously with ADHD, post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder, PMMD, and borderline personality disorder. Along the way she endured a number of hospitalizations and frequent disruptions to her life.
Hannah resisted the labels, insisting that she was not a disease, demanding respect, and valiantly trying to find her way holistically in a world that expected her to take a pill and be “normal”. We honor her bravery, honesty, and lesson of living in the present with the formation of Hannah’s House.
Cindy’s Story
In 2010 Hannah’s House was launched with a $4,000 donation from a fundraiser and enthusiastic support from Hannah’s family, friends, and the Mad River Valley Community. It began with one incredible therapist who was also the part-time executive director, eleven dedicated Board Members, and generous consultants. To see how Hannah’s House has grown and been embraced by this community is amazing, and I am immensely grateful.
When my lovely daughter, Hannah, began exhibiting signs of mental distress in high school, I drove for hours trying to find her help. As her diagnosis and torment spiraled throughout college, I was consumed by my lack of knowledge and ability to assist her. Finally, during Hannah’s last year I was able to connect with a wonderful therapist, who when Hannah died, saved my life.
The impact of connecting with a good therapist brought home the vital necessity of accessible, affordable mental health care. Hannah’s House is still growing to meet the needs of our community and serve those seeking therapy, but nothing makes me happier than realizing our local community members and young people know they have a place to get help, with no shame and friends to support them. When both Harwood Hockey teams donned Hannah’s House shirts for benefit games a few years ago, I felt Hannah cheering them on. And so do I, along with our magnificent, generous donors.
Cindy Bedford Carr

Hannah Bedford

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