
Kanuk the Emotional Support Dog

On October 8, 2016, our community experienced the tragic loss of 5 teens in a car crash.

In the weeks and months following, Hannah’s House sponsored daily support and comfort for students and staff as counselors and therapy dog Kanuk walked the halls of Harwood Union High School. Many grieving indicated how much that healing, reassuring presence meant to them and just as important, the stigma of mental health issues was released from the closet.

“The therapy dogs and their partners are so wonderful! They bring love when it’s needed most.”

~ Harwood Union High School student, Class of 2018 (following the 2016 tragedy).
Hannah’s House received a standing ovation at the 2018 graduation ceremony.

“Listen, what you and your organization do is a tremendous service. There are so many non-profits in the area, but there really are only a few that make an actual difference in people’s lives and have a broad reach throughout the Valley. It’s hard being a kid these days, and HH’s continued presence and support for them is so enormously important.”

Ed Reed, Mad River Garden, November 2022

“I absolutely loved Cindy Pierce’s presentation. It has given me such a new perspective on parenting young teens. I have shared the benefits of this presentation with everyone. I can’t wait to see her again. I also have been loving the podcast she recommended “Ask Dr. Lisa”. It is great too! Thank you for bringing her to our community.”

Elizabeth Schwartz, Waitsfield
May 2023

“The support that was offered to our family through the Hannah’s House Foundation made a significant difference in helping us through a crisis. The expertise of the individuals that offered us guidance and support was extraordinary…”

Mad River Valley Resident

“I live and thrive in our valley and fully understand how important it is to have a resource like Hannah’s House. I’m proud to support such a great place!”

Jake Petrasch

“…The emphasis on the family system in dealing with a family member in crisis was unique in that several of us benefited from the support. Hannah’s House offered us a collaborative approach to healing and restored balance in our family.”

Mad River Valley Resident

I am here at Moretown School on this chilly morning and am feeling such gratitude for Hannah’s House and their ongoing support of mental health. At this very moment our school has three incredible offerings for staff and students happening within our walls-drumming with Trevor, massages with Sally and Brian and Bam Bam. All of these things are making a difference for our school community. We appreciate all that you do for our community.

Pam Dow
Kindergarten Teacher, Moretown Elementary School
April 20, 2023

“Cindy Pierce is an amazing person, speaker and resource on a subject that really needs to be brought more into the open: the many-layered effects of the digital world on the sexual development and experience of our young people. I am so grateful to Hannah’s House for bringing her to us! I was in the audience of Crossett Brook parents to whom she spoke before addressing 7th and 8th graders there. Her easy-going but no-nonsense manner, deep grasp of the subject matter, as well as amazing charismatic energy and sense of humor helped us all begin to cross the chasm of discomfort/awkwardness involved in having frank but necessary conversations with our tweens and teens. Thank you, Hannah’s House, for this important knowledge and tool in our parenting!!!”

Anonymous Attendee at Sponsored educational presentation
May 2023

Teen Feedback following Empowerment Series with Jamie Dragon:

  1. 100% would recommend series to their friends
  2. I felt more relaxed
  3. I felt like I can express myself freely
  4. Learned about meditation and helped with my anxiety
  5. It pushed me to work on my mindset and how I treat myself
  6. It made me know what to do when I’m anxious

“…Hannah’s House has become an invaluable partner to all our schools. This amazing local organization not only provides direct services to our students, but supports an effective array of workshops, presenters and outreach initiatives that have become a mainstay in our community.” 

Sam Krotinger
Former Co-Principal of Harwood Union

For the last 2 years, my teenager has been unable to sleep without medicine to help her relax. She began neurofeedback with Nicole in the spring. By the fall, she was sleeping without the help of any medicine! This is a huge relief to both of us and I know her body is much better off without taking daily medication.

Grateful Client, 2013

“The support Hannah’s House provided last calendar year to a couple of our students was amazing. We have received feedback that they thrived in the settings.”

School Counselor at Waitsfield Referring to our sponsoring a student to attend Sculpture School, January 2022

Please let your Board of Directors know that this opportunity is making a difference in the life of this student. Here is the correspondence from the parent and teacher after the first class last week:

“I just wanted to say thank you for this afternoon. He was so jazzed up for it all week. He had a great time. It was good to see him so engaged in something.”

“We had such a great time! This little guy is completely engaging and a super artist already. Very sweet personality! He finished early after doing a great job and sat and watched the kids for a bit. Big smile on his face!”

M.K. Monley for Makersphere, Waterbury
January 2020

“…Finding quality therapists who have availability is absolutely getting more and more challenging as time goes by, and I do not know what we would do to fill the growing need if it were not for Hannah’s House.”

Tom Drake
Former Principal at Crossett Brook Middle School, Duxbury, Vermont

“Hannah’s House was an incredible resource to our students during a great time of suffering. Their dogs and counselors provided much needed relief and encouragement to struggling students.”

– Dan Morse, Harwood Union teacher

“…we would like to dedicate the donation we have given today, in memory of our son, Benjamin Stewart Virkstis, who struggled in vain with a mental illness. Thank you, and again, thank you for all your good work on behalf of those who rely upon those at Hannah’s House.”

Richard and Harriet Virkstis

Words & Awards

Impact Award for Vermont nonprofits

Hannah’s House received the top Impact Award for Vermont nonprofits providing mental health services by the Red Sox Foundation and The Ruderman Family Foundation.

Harwood Hockey team wearing Hannah's House jerseys

The Harwood Girls Hockey Team honored Hannah’s House with special jerseys and a fundraiser.

Hannah’s House awarded the Leo Laferriere Award

Hannah’s House awarded the Leo Laferriere Award for community service from the Central Vermont Economic Development Corporation.

Hannah’s House chosen as Grand Marshall for the Warren Fourth of July Parade.

Hannah’s House chosen as Grand Marshall for the Warren Fourth of July Parade.

Harwood Hockey team wearing Hannah's House jerseys and donating check to Hannah's house


Harwood Boys Hockey Team played in honor of Hannah’s House with special jerseys and a fundraiser.


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