ALL OF ME is a feature-length documentary film focused on the lives of women, girls, and some boys who are caught in the downward spiral of eating disorders and their struggle to regain a sense of self-compassion and healing.
The film addresses body image, the lack of connection with one’s physical and emotional being, and the need to delve deep within one’s self to find the systemic reasons that triggered this disease. The film also focuses on parents struggling with family members battling an eating disorder.
“A beautiful, powerful, difficult, heart breaking and healing movie on eating disorders. Magnificent!”
— Pamela Lehmberg, MSN, ANP Wellness Center Framingham State University
“All of Me does a wonderful job of depicting the realities of what having an eating disorder feels like in our society- A scary and honest look at the devastation eating disorders have with real life stories that will touch your heart. Hope too!”
— Beth Mayer, LICSW Executive Director, MEDA,Multi-Service Eating Disorder Association, Boston